// // Vivio cache animation // // 3ba4/4d1 tutorial // // Copyright © 1997 - 2008 jones@cs.tcd.ie // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // // 17/12/96 first version // 02/01/97 added buttons + general tidy-up // 03/05/97 used SimpleButton (removed Button builtin type) // 07/07/97 button feedback + cosmetic improvements // 21/01/98 used track & flash functions + cosmetic visual improvements // 30/07/02 Vivio 2.0 // 18/01/06 Vivio 4.0 // 10/02/06 cosmetic improvements // 20/02/06 real x,y event parameters // 30/08/06 renamed getIntArg() to getArgAsInt and setIntArg() to setArgFromInt() // 25/10/06 updated for updated startStopEvent behaviour // 07/11/06 improved position of checkpoints // 11/01/07 replaced TCD crest with Vivio logo // 14/01/07 used ImageButton for logo // 13/03/07 return EV_FORGET in event handlers which call getURL // 19/05/07 logo now uses a hand cursor // // 27/08/02 first version [based on Vivio Write-Once and Firefly animations] // 04/12/02 read cache line from memory on a write miss // 03/06/05 corrected URL link to MESIHelp.htm // 23/01/06 Vivio 4.0 // 20/02/06 real x,y event parameters // 07/11/06 added extra wait(1) after getting bus lock // 11/01/07 added Vivio logo // 20/11/08 revised by Djordje Jevdjic // Last Revision: Marko Peric 17/02/10 #include "standard.vin" #include "SimpleButton.vin" #include "ImageButton.vin" const LOGICALW = 800; const LOGICALH = 600; setViewport(0, 0, LOGICALW, LOGICALH, 1); // // set background // bgbrush = SolidBrush(vellum); setBGBrush(bgbrush); // // fonts // smallFont = Font("Times New Roman", 14, 0); hintFont = Font("Times New Roman", 16, 0); titleFont = Font("Times New Roman", 24, 0); // // title // navybrush = SolidBrush(rgb(0, 0, 102)); title = Rectangle2(0, VCENTRE, 0, navybrush, 5, 5, LOGICALW/2, 30, whitebrush, titleFont, "MOESI Cache Coherency Protocol"); title.setTxtOff(2, 1); // // simple useage information // str = "Like real hardware, the CPUs can operate\n"; str += "in parallel - try pressing a button on each\n"; str += "CPU \"simultaneously\".\n"; hint = Txt(0, HLEFT | VTOP, 5, 80, blackbrush, hintFont, str); const int NCPU = 4; // number of cpus const int TICKS = 20; // animation speed const int INVALID = 0; // MESI cache line states const int SHARED = 1; const int EXCLUSIVE = 2; const int OWNED = 3; const int MODIFIED = 4; const int READ = 0; const int WRITE = 1; const int UPGRADE = 1; int wValue = 0; // value written into cache int buglevel = 0; // buglevel [0 = bugfree] int dirtycpu = -1; // indicates CPU supplies dirty data int isshared = 0; // indicates a shared read int exclusivecpu= -1; int watchcnt = 0; // count watch() completions int varwatchcnt = 0; buslock = 0; // bus lock cpulock[0] = 0; // CPU locks cpulock[1] = 0; cpulock[2] = 0; cpulock[3] = 0; SimpleButton lastButton[int]; // remember last button pressed // // vertical double headed bus arrow object // // separate up, down and body objects used to animate bus traffic // class BusArrow(int x, int y, int whead, int wbody, int l, Brush brush) arrow = Polygon(0, AAFILL | ABSOLUTE, 0, blackbrush, x,y, 0, 0, whead,whead, wbody,whead, wbody,l-whead, whead,l-whead, 0,l, -whead,l-whead, -wbody,l-whead, -wbody,whead, -whead,whead); body = Rectangle2(0, 0, 0, brush, x-wbody, y, 2*wbody+1, l); body.setOpacity(0); up = Polygon(0, AAFILL | ABSOLUTE, 0, brush, 0,0, whead,0, 2*whead,whead, 0,whead); up.setOpacity(0); down = Polygon(0, AAFILL | ABSOLUTE, 0, brush, 0,0, 0,0, 2*whead,0, whead,whead); down.setOpacity(0); function reset() arrow.setBrush(blackbrush); up.setOpacity(0); body.setOpacity(0); down.setOpacity(0); arrow.setOpacity(255); end; // // animates up movement on vertical bus arrow // // may be called with ticks = 0 // function moveup(int ticks, int wflag) // // initial positions, size & opacity // up.setPos(x-whead, y+(l-whead)); body.setPos(x-wbody, y+l); body.setSize(2*wbody+1, 0); up.setOpacity(255); body.setOpacity(255); // // final positions, size & opacity // up.setPos(x-whead, y, ticks, 1, 0); body.setPos(x-wbody, y+whead, ticks, 1, 0); body.setSize(2*wbody+1, l+1-whead, ticks, 1, 0); arrow.setOpacity(0, ticks, 1, wflag); end; // // animates down movement on vertical bus arrow // // may be called with ticks = 0 // function movedown(int ticks, int wflag) // // initial positions, size & opacity // down.setPos(x-whead, y); body.setPos(x-wbody, y); body.setSize(2*wbody+1, 0); down.setOpacity(255); body.setOpacity(255); // // final positions, size & opacity // down.setPos(x-whead, y+l-whead, ticks, 1, 0); body.setSize(2*wbody+1, l+1-whead, ticks, 1, 0); arrow.setOpacity(0, ticks, 1, wflag); end; end; // // memory object // // contains 4 memory locations a0, a1, a2 & a3 // class Memory(int x, int y) r = Rectangle2(0, 0, blackpen, gray192brush, x, y, 150, 100); t = Txt(0, HLEFT | VTOP, x+160, y+40, redbrush, 0, "memory"); abus = BusArrow(x+50, y+100, 10, 4, 70, bluebrush); dbus = BusArrow(x+100, y+100, 10, 4, 40, redbrush); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) mem[i] = 0; stale[i] = 0; memR[i] = Rectangle2(0, 0, blackpen, whitebrush, x+5, y+4+i*24, 140, 20, blackbrush, 0, "address: a%d data: %d", i, mem[i]); memR[i].setTxtOff(0, 1); end; function highlight(int addr, int flag) memR[addr].setBrush((flag) ? greenbrush : (stale[addr]) ? gray192brush : whitebrush); end; function reset() for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) highlight(i, 0); end; end; end; // // horizontal double headed bus object // class Bus(int x, int y, int whead, int wbody, int l, Brush brush) arrow = Polygon(0, AAFILL | ABSOLUTE, 0, blackbrush, x,y, 0,0, whead,-whead, whead,-wbody, l-whead,-wbody, l-whead,-whead, l,0, l-whead,whead, l-whead,wbody, whead,wbody, whead,whead); function highlight(int flag) arrow.setBrush((flag) ? brush : blackbrush); end; end; // // data, address and shared horizontal busses // ddbus = Bus(20, 215, 11, 5, 750, redbrush); ddbusTxt = Txt(0, HLEFT | VTOP, 60, 194, redbrush, smallFont, "data bus"); aabus = Bus(30, 245, 11, 5, 750, bluebrush); aabusTxt = Txt(0, HLEFT | VTOP, 70, 223, bluebrush, smallFont, "address bus"); sharedBus = Bus(40, 280, 7, 3, 750, magentabrush); sharedTxt = Txt(0, HLEFT | VTOP, 200, 260, magentabrush, smallFont, "shared"); memory = Memory(325, 70); class Cache; // forward declaration Cache cache[NCPU]; // cache objects // // cache object // class Cache(int x, int y, int cpu) sharedbus = BusArrow(x+14, y-42, 7, 3, 42, magentabrush); abus = BusArrow(x+58, y-75, 10, 4, 74, bluebrush); dbus = BusArrow(x+116, y-105, 10, 4, 104, redbrush); cpuabus = BusArrow(x+45, y+50, 10, 4, 50, bluebrush); cpudbus = BusArrow(x+115, y+50, 10, 4, 50, redbrush); r = Rectangle2(0, 0, blackpen, gray192brush, x,y, 150,50); t = Txt(0, HLEFT | VTOP, x+130, y-20, redbrush, 0, "cache %d", cpu); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) state[i] = INVALID; stateR[i] = Rectangle2(0, 0, blackpen, whitebrush, x+5, y+6+i*20, 20+1, 17+1, blackbrush, 0, "I"); stateR[i].setTxtOff(0, 1); a[i] = 0; aR[i] = Rectangle2(0, 0, blackpen, whitebrush, x+25, y+6+i*20, 60+1, 17+1); aR[i].setTxtOff(0, 1); d[i] = 0; dR[i] = Rectangle2(0, 0, blackpen, whitebrush, x+85, y+6+i*20, 60+1, 17+1); dR[i].setTxtOff(0, 1); end; // // helper function to set values // function setvalues(int set, int addr, int data) a[set] = addr; aR[set].setTxt("a%d", addr); d[set] = data; dR[set].setTxt("%d", data); end; // // highlight cache line // function highlight(int set, int flag) brush = (flag) ? greenbrush : whitebrush; stateR[set].setBrush(brush); aR[set].setBrush(brush); dR[set].setBrush(brush); end; // // reset cache lines, cpu address and data busses // function reset(int i) cache[i].cpuabus.reset(); cache[i].cpudbus.reset(); cache[i].highlight(0, 0); cache[i].highlight(1, 0); end; // // reset ALL busses // function resetbus() memory.abus.reset(); memory.dbus.reset(); ddbus.arrow.setBrush(blackbrush); aabus.arrow.setBrush(blackbrush); ddbus.arrow.setBrush(blackbrush); sharedBus.arrow.setBrush(blackbrush); memory.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < NCPU; i++) cache[i].abus.reset(); cache[i].dbus.reset(); cache[i].sharedbus.reset(); end; end; // // reset objects at start of a read or write operation // function resetStart() for (int i = 0; i < NCPU; i++) if ((cpulock[i] == 0) || (cpu == i)) reset(i); lastButton[i].setpen(blackpen); end; end; if (buslock == 0) resetbus(); end; end; // // reset objects at end of a read or write operation // function resetEnd() for (int i = 0; i < NCPU; i++) if (cpulock[i] == 0) reset(i); lastButton[i].setpen(blackpen); end; end; end; // // flush data from cache line to memory // function flush(int addr) set = addr % 2; flushaddr = a[set]; abus.moveup(TICKS, 0); dbus.moveup(TICKS, 1); aabus.highlight(1); ddbus.highlight(1); memory.abus.moveup(TICKS, 0); memory.dbus.moveup(TICKS, 1); state[set] = INVALID; stateR[set].setTxt("I"); memory.stale[flushaddr] = 0; memory.memR[flushaddr].setBrush(greenbrush); memory.mem[flushaddr] = d[set]; memory.memR[flushaddr].setTxt("address: a%d data: %d", flushaddr, memory.mem[flushaddr]); resetbus(); end; // // each cache must watch the bus and update its state according to the protocol // // if addr NOT in cache then no action need be taken // // bus read: must assert shared line & update state to SHARED // if cache line MODIFIED must intervene and place data on bus // bus write: must set state to INVALID // function watch(int addr, int operation) int set = addr % 2; // // test if address in cache // int hit = (a[set] == addr) && (state[set] != INVALID); abus.movedown(TICKS, 1); // // return if address not in cache // if (!hit) varwatchcnt++; watchcnt++; return; end; // // calculate isshared, dirtycpu & exclusivecpu here // isshared = 1; if (state[set] == MODIFIED || state[set] == OWNED) dirtycpu = cpu; end; if (state[set] == EXCLUSIVE) exclusivecpu = cpu; end; if (operation == READ) // // read ---Probe Read Hit // sharedbus.moveup(TICKS, 0); if (state[set] == OWNED) highlight(set, 1); dbus.moveup(TICKS, 0); end; if (state[set] == MODIFIED) state[set] = OWNED; stateR[set].setTxt("O"); highlight(set, 1); dbus.moveup(TICKS, 0); end; if (state[set] == EXCLUSIVE) state[set] = SHARED; stateR[set].setTxt("S"); highlight(set, 1); dbus.moveup(TICKS, 0); end; varwatchcnt++; wait(TICKS); else // // write or upgrade --probe write hit // state[set] = INVALID; stateR[set].setTxt("I"); highlight(set, 1); varwatchcnt++; end; watchcnt++; end; // // initiate bus watching on other CPUs // function buswatch(int addr, int cpu, int operation) int set=addr%2; dirtycpu = -1; exclusivecpu=-1; isshared = 0; varwatchcnt = 0; watchcnt = 0; memory.abus.moveup(TICKS,0); for (int i = 0; i < NCPU; i++) if (i != cpu) fork(cache[i].watch(addr, operation)); end; end; // // wait for the NCPU-1 forked watch() functions to finish generating vars // in order to know whether to animate memory data read // int aniwaitcount=0; while (varwatchcnt < NCPU-1) wait(1); aniwaitcount++; end; if ((dirtycpu<0) && (exclusivecpu<0) && (operation==READ)) memory.highlight(addr,1); memory.dbus.movedown(TICKS*2-aniwaitcount,1); ddbus.highlight(1); end; // // wait for the NCPU-1 forked watch() functions to finish // while (watchcnt < NCPU-1) wait(1); end; //cache[cpu].sharedbus.movedown(5, 1); if (isshared && operation == READ) sharedBus.highlight(1); end; end; // // CPU cache read // // miss: read data from memory or another cache // hit: read from cache locally // function read(int addr, int animatecpu, int updateMemory) int set = addr % 2; int fromcpu; if (animatecpu) cpuabus.moveup(TICKS, 1); end; // // check for hit // if ((a[set] == addr) && (state[set] != INVALID)) highlight(set, 1); if (animatecpu) cpudbus.movedown(TICKS, 1); end; return; end; // // miss // while (buslock) wait(1); end; buslock = 1; wait(1); // {joj 7/11/06} resetbus(); // // flush cache line if MODIFIED or OWNED since we need the cache line (replacement) // if ((state[set] == MODIFIED) || (state[set] == OWNED) ) // write out dirty cache line flush(addr); end; state[set] = INVALID; stateR[set].setTxt("I"); highlight(set, 1); abus.moveup(TICKS, 1); aabus.highlight(1); buswatch(addr, cpu, 0); if (dirtycpu >= 0) fromcpu=dirtycpu; else fromcpu=exclusivecpu; end; if(updateMemory && fromcpu>=0) ddbus.highlight(1); memory.dbus.moveup(TICKS,0); memory.stale[addr]=0; memory.mem[addr] = cache[fromcpu].d[set]; memory.memR[addr].setTxt("address: a%d data: %d", addr, memory.mem[addr]); memory.highlight(addr,1); end; // // read data from another cache or memory // if (isshared==1) sharedbus.movedown(TICKS,0); end; if (dirtycpu >= 0) fromcpu=dirtycpu; else fromcpu=exclusivecpu; end; ddbus.highlight(1); dbus.movedown(TICKS, 1); a[set] = addr; aR[set].setTxt("a%d", addr); d[set]=fromcpu>=0 ? cache[fromcpu].d[set] : memory.mem[addr]; dR[set].setTxt("%d", d[set]); state[set] = isshared ? SHARED : EXCLUSIVE; stateR[set].setTxt(isshared ? "S" : "E"); highlight(set,1); if (animatecpu) cpudbus.movedown(TICKS, 1); end; buslock = 0; end; // // CPU cache write // // flush cache line if MODIFIED // // miss: read data from memory or another cache if it intervenes // // hit: if EXCLUSIVE or MODIFIED local write // if INVALID or SHARED write and enter MODIFIED state [other caches will invalidate] // function write(int addr) int set = addr % 2; int miss = ((state[set] == INVALID) || (a[set] != addr)); cpudbus.moveup(TICKS, 0); cpuabus.moveup(TICKS, 1); highlight(set, 1); // // write miss // if (miss) // // flush if cache line dirty (MODIFIED or OWNED) - replacement // if ((state[set] == MODIFIED) || (state[set] == OWNED)) // // need to get bus lock // while (buslock) wait(1); end; buslock = 1; wait(1); // {joj 7/11/06} resetbus(); flush(addr); buslock = 0; end; // // write-allocate - read data from memory or other cache first // read(addr, 0, 1); wait(TICKS); if(state[set]==SHARED) while (buslock) wait(1); end; buslock = 1; wait(1); resetbus(); wValue += 1; setvalues(set, addr, wValue); abus.moveup(TICKS, 0); aabus.highlight(1); buswatch(addr, cpu, UPGRADE); state[set] = MODIFIED; stateR[set].setTxt("M"); memory.stale[addr] = 1; memory.memR[addr].setBrush(gray192brush); buslock = 0; end; if(state[set]==EXCLUSIVE) wValue += 1; setvalues(set, addr, wValue); state[set] = MODIFIED; stateR[set].setTxt("M"); memory.stale[addr] = 1; memory.memR[addr].setBrush(gray192brush); end; return; end; // write hit if ((state[set] == MODIFIED) || (state[set] == EXCLUSIVE)) wValue += 1; setvalues(set, addr, wValue); state[set] = MODIFIED; stateR[set].setTxt("M"); memory.stale[addr] = 1; memory.memR[addr].setBrush(gray192brush); else // SHARED or OWNED while (buslock) wait(1); end; buslock = 1; wait(1); resetbus(); wValue += 1; setvalues(set, addr, wValue); abus.moveup(TICKS, 0); aabus.highlight(1); buswatch(addr, cpu, UPGRADE); state[set] = MODIFIED; stateR[set].setTxt("M"); memory.stale[addr] = 1; memory.memR[addr].setBrush(gray192brush); buslock = 0; end; end; end; // // CPU read button // class readOp(int x, int y, int addr, int cpu, Rectangle r) b = SimpleButton(x, y, 65, 22, bgbrush, gray192brush, blackbrush, 0, "read"); b.button.setTxt("read a%d", addr); when b.buttonBG.eventLB(int down, real xx, real yy) if (down == 0 && cpulock[cpu] == 0) cpulock[cpu] = 1; r.setPen(greenpen); cache[cpu].resetStart(); b.setpen(redpen); start(); lastButton[cpu] = b; cache[cpu].read(addr, 1, 0); r.setPen(blackpen); cache[cpu].resetEnd(); cpulock[cpu] = 0; checkPoint(); end; end; end; // // CPU write button // class writeOp(int x, int y, int addr, int cpu, Rectangle r) b = SimpleButton(x, y, 65, 22, bgbrush, gray192brush, blackbrush, 0, "write"); b.button.setTxt("write a%d", addr); when b.buttonBG.eventLB(int down, real xx, real yy) if (down == 0 && cpulock[cpu] == 0) cpulock[cpu] = 1; r.setPen(greenpen); cache[cpu].resetStart(); b.setpen(redpen); start(); lastButton[cpu] = b; cache[cpu].write(addr); r.setPen(blackpen); cache[cpu].resetEnd(); cpulock[cpu] = 0; checkPoint(); end; end; end; // // CPU object // class CPU(int x, int y, int cpu) r = Rectangle2(0, 0, blackpen, gray192brush, x, y, 150, 100); t = Txt(0, HLEFT | VTOP, x+130, y-20, redbrush, 0, "CPU %d", cpu); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) rb[i] = readOp(x+5, y+5+i*23, i, cpu, r); wb[i] = writeOp(x+80, y+5+i*23, i, cpu, r); end; end; for (int j=0;j